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Home ELGI PROJECT Outcomes

The present partnership was established in view of achieving high-quality products through utilization of knowledge and expertise from different economic sectors. The outcomes of ELGI – eLearning for eGovernment project can be summarised as follows: 

State-of-the art international report

The synthesis report will summarize and communicate overall EU strategies, policies and endeavours related to interoperability and security of information as well as lessons learned from undertaken on European level efforts and implemented programmes and projects.

Research on national policy and practices

Identification and summary of the national aspects and peculiarities in the field of interoperability in each partner country (strategic frameworks, laws, regulations, implementation, specific requirements, organizational aspects, technical aspects, case studies, best practices, etc.)

e-Course Curriculum

The topics covered in the course are based on the needs analysis and market research and needs analysis performed and are as follows:

  • legal regulations of interoperability
  • the best European and world practices
  • an analysis of administrative information systems to meet the requirements for interoperability
  • required re-engineering of administrative information systems: technical, semantic, organizational
  • certification process for interoperability
  • specification of adequate tasks for new administrative systems
  • best practices, examples and tests.

Course scenario and objects

Development of the course scenario:

  • Specification of the course and its basic elements
  • Introduction to the course, instructions for use, basic terminology, entrance test, study content
  • Structure by topics, control questions to every chapter, final test, etc.

The following learning objects will be available in this platform:

  • audio-visual elements
  • animations
  • quizzes / simulations

Electronic course

Electronic course as a learning tool on the topic of interoperability of public administrations, and in particular:

  • legal regulations of interoperability
  • the best European and world practices
  • an analysis of administrative information systems to meet the requirements for interoperability
  • required re-engineering of administrative information systems: technical, semantic, organizational
  • certification process for interoperability
  • creation of adequate tasks for new administrative systems
  • best practices, examples, tests.

Localized file packages

The electronic course will be localized, i.e. translated into the languages of the consortium and adapted to national target groups' needs.

Test Training

A test training will be organized for a target number of 50 trainees in each country. The trainees will be representatives of the project short term target groups:

  • the staff of local, regional and national public administrations, national institutions and agencies
  • information systems developers in Europe and at 6 countries in particular (Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Poland and Spain).

A total of 300 representatives will be reached through the e-course test groups in each country.

Presentation of exploitation activities and result

The final exploitation report will incorporate partner’s national reports and provide comparisons of the dissemination and exploitation activities among the partner countries. The final exploitation report will serve as a tool to communicate and to pass the results to the general public related to the education, scientific community, decision makers and policy researchers etc at the national and EU level.