ELGI is realised by a European consortium of partners:
TEZA is a licensed Vocational Training Center from Sofia, in Bulgaria, and is the project promoter. TEZA conducts training in two main areas: acquisition of key competencies and vocational training. Training for acquisition of key competencies includes leadership skills and presentation skills, skills for team work, relationships with customers and others. TEZA is currently training for further professional qualifications covering thirteen majors in ten professions.
Teza’s team of professionals develop training programs and produce high-quality electronic courses, based on validated methodologies and software platforms by the leaders in eLearning. In October 2009 Teza was accredited by the Bulgarian Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology as a certifying body of public information systems and administrative task. The accreditation authorizes the company to perform checks of systems, applications, assignments and test sets of documents for the purposes of certification of these facilities as required for interoperability and operational security.
For more information: www.teza.bg
Riga Technical University
Riga Technical University (RTU) is an accredited, internationally recognized European level university offering wide range of academic and professional degree programmes across various fields of study. RTU is the only many branched technical university in Latvia. At the moment there are almost 16 000 students, including 400 doctoral degree students, 3200 master's degree students, and 10000 bachelor's degree students. The Institute of Applied Computer Systems is a unit of the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology of RTU. It was founded in June of 1994.
The institute implements the study programme "Computer Systems" which objective is to provide academic education in computer science and to prepare highly qualified professionals in the fields of systems analysis, software engineering, design of databases and information systems with fundamental knowledge based on engineering science, which includes mathematics, physics, chemistry, electrical engineering and electronics. Academic staff of the institute perform research in information system development, e-learning and intelligent tutoring systems, mobile solutions, formal specification, object oriented technology, etc. Last ten years several ESF, ERAF, SOCRATES/ERASMUS, Leonardo da Vinci, as well as national projects were successfully implemented by the institute.
For more information: www.rtu.lv
Best Cybernetics
Best Cybernetics is an independent company founded in 1999, formed by educators, psychologists and computer scientists, dedicated to the development of programs and applications of ICT in education, training and business. The company specializes in developing ICT solutions for training programs, high quality eLearning content for Web Based Trainings (WBT), Computer Based Trainings (CBT), multimedia productions and Internet Marketing.
Best Cybernetics specializes in the design and coordination of continuing education programs according to the needs of educational institutions, NGOs, Universities and private companies. The company’s core service portfolio includes:
- Design of training plans tailored made to the needs of the users
- Studies and preparation of the technical specifications for the implementation of EU projects
- Project Management - Provision of consulting services and professional project management
- Development of innovative tools applied to eLearning and open distance training
- Content Management System
- Custom software development
- Database Design & Development
- Custom Application Development
- E-commerce
- Web design and development
- ICT Consulting Services and ICT Training Services
- Internet Marketing
- Project Dissemination
- e-Work
- Project Evaluation.
For more information: www.bestcybernetics.com
Instituto de Formación Integral
Instituto de Formación Integral. S.L.U is set up by a staff (more than 150 employees) with a wide experience in the field of training and in the provision of services of consultancy in training, labour risks prevention, quality, new technologies and development of national and European projects. IFI carries out its activity in two main business areas:
- Non-regulated vocational training, continuous and occupational training: it has successfully carried out and managed plenty of Training Plans for workers of companies and group of companies, and for unemployed people in collaboration with the Public Service of Employment and several local and Autonomous Administrations. IFI’s training offer consists of more than 200 courses, related to several areas, such as agri-food, property, socio-sanitary, cleaning and legal sectors. Moreover, IFI offers a wide range of training courses related to: managing and personal skills, business administration and management, Human Resources, Business for Social Responsibility, Maintenance and manufacture, Logistics, Commerce, Marketing, Quality, Environmental area, NTIC’s, Design and Multimedia, Office automation and Languages. It is specialized in design, management and rendering of training courses as well as the corresponding search of financing search.
- Consultancy and projects: IFI, as a result of its wide experience in training courses, has carried out a service of consultancy and projects, characterized by a personalized customer service, individual monitoring, permanent attention and care of the aspects more relevant.
For more information: www.ifi.com.es
Społeczna Akademia Nauk
The Academy of Management (SWSPiZ) is one of the leading private universities in Poland having 20.000 students. There are 18 departments, including Management, International Relations, National Security, IT Studies and Administration that will contribute their experience to this project. The Academy’s research fields are directly connected with the topic of the project. There is an IT Institute which is involved in designing of IT systems and providing specialized trainings. SWSPiZ offers different study specializations, eg. IT in Management, IT in Public Administration or IT in Social Works.
Apart from main activity the Academy of Management is a significant institution of persistent adult education (LLL) offering different courses for adults. Thanks to the Polish Open Academy SWSPiZ offers study programmes over the Internet to support traditional lectures and trainings and promote modern teaching methods. SWSPZ is a competence centre for methodology, technology and organisation of eLearning.
For more information: http://www.spoleczna.pl
Logos PA
Logos PA is a public and private foundation supporting public administration with resources and professionalism. The goals of the foundation are:
- Create an instrument that will join and support public administration in the administrated communities.
- Research activities, training and help for the central and local bureau with the renewal and the coordination of policy reforms.
- Assist public administrations in the operative management of different activities and institutional tasks with the aim of improving the quality of the supplied services.
- Promote innovative solutions and exchange positive experiences through forums and meetings and through realization of specific projects.
Strategic assets - The foundation has identified a few particular strategic assets:
- Assist public administration to evaluate their own territory and resources.
- Support in the realization of balancing, auditing and financial accountability, patrimonial and social economics.
- Fulfill renewal of processes and improve the quality of services given
- Development and application of the initiatives e-government models, internal, external and international.
LOGOS PA has contributed to the development of several projects concerning e-government issues. In particular, the Foundation granted funding for the following projects at regional level, according the Regione Lazio - Regional co-funding of e-Government National Program.
For more information: www.logospa.it