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Home ELGI PROJECT Objectives

ELGI – eLearning for eGovernment project will contribute towards the development of eGovernment as far as interoperability of public administrations is concerned. The objectives of the project are:

Objective 1: To create an e-learnig tool for training in:

  • knowledge of the EU directives, recommendations of the specialized units of the UN, national legislation, law on e-government and related laws such as those governing electronic documents and electronic signatures, access to spatial data and all those that are relevant to the problems of interoperability, regulation for the internal flow of electronic documents and paper medium in the administrations and integrated environment for the exchange of electronic documents.
  • understanding of the processes of entry in the registers of information objects related to electronic services and all related operating instructions of the National legislative bodies.
  • ability to formulate unified names of electronic services and their status, to analyze the legal consistency and technological feasibility of electronic administrative services.
  • awareness of the legal regulations and the algorithms of work of accredited persons who carry certification of these applications in order to be able to successfully submit for certification program applications, attached to electronic documents, relating to the provision of administrative services.
  • ability to formulate the processes of re-engineering of existing administrative systems so that they are eligible for certification, and to define adequately the specifications for the creation of new systems in accordance with the law and regulations.
  • understanding and support of the interoperability projects the target groups are involved in.

Objective 2: To train representatives of the target groups

  • Staff of local, regional and national public administrations, national institutions, and agencies
  • Managers of eGovernment projects
  • Information systems developers
  • Policy makers
  • VET organizations
  • Teachers and trainers

eLearnig has been chosen as a training method for its three major advantages:

  • In the field of interoperability, an electronic course promises to be most effective.
  • Proven to be cost-effective.
  • Flexible in terms of timely reporting of changes on the topics covered.